Try these 9 activities to boost your mood

Up until a few months ago, I found myself in a bit of a slump after following the same routine, day in, day out. It looked a little something like this: Alarm, gym, WFH, lunch, scroll, more work, 3 pm slump, knock off, scroll, dinner, tv, scroll, sleep. Sure, there were no major red flags with this routine, aside from a much-needed reduction in my screen time, but it’s no mystery as to why I was feeling unfulfilled, unmotivated and a little down at times. 

What my days lacked was some self-care, time outside and away from screens, and a bit more connection, both to myself and others.

It wasn’t until I started spending my time differently, and incorporating small acts of self-care (no, not face masks), that I realised just how much time I spent wishing the days away and not being present.

If you have found yourself in a similar cycle, here are some things I’ve started doing to feel more content each day, maybe you can try them too.

1. Connect With Others

If you’re like me, you can spend days and even weeks on end only interacting with your colleagues. Teams meetings and slack channels are not a substitute for proper human connection. After a busy day at work, often the last thing you want to do is socialise more, instead, the desire might be to curl up on the couch and go full gremlin mode while you binge the latest season of RHOBH. This in itself is an act of self-care at times, but what I’ve found is that catching up with a close friend can be more refreshing and energising than becoming a hermit between work hours. Give it a try – make a home-cooked dinner for your friend, meet them for a walk, or even go for an after-work cocktail and see how you feel.

2. Walk in Nature

If I had a dollar for every time I heard the line “get outside and go for a walk” offered as a solution to a low mood… But seriously, there’s a reason why hot girl walks are so popular right now. If you have a bit of time during the day, try to spend it outside, preferably in nature. A walk and some morning sunlight before work or uni is one of the easiest things you can do to improve your energy, sleep and overall health. Get outside at lunch, or even go for a walk to wind down after a long day. It’s a great way to reset.

3. Listen to Podcasts

Feeling uninspired, need a good laugh, or just some company while you go about your day? Podcasts are the best kind of entertainment for when you’re doing mindless tasks like commuting, cleaning or grocery shopping. There are plenty of educational and motivational titles to help you feel accomplished and productive while you listen, or if you just want some lighthearted laughs and entertainment, there are options for that too. Check out our list of reccos to get you started.

4. Read

There’s nothing like losing yourself in a good book as a way to unwind. Picture this: a rainy morning, a warm cup of tea, a cosy bed and the crisp pages of a gripping novel… heaven! Books have fallen down the ranks as Tik Tok and Instagram demand more of our attention, but having one on hand for when boredom strikes is a great way to reduce the endless scrolling that might be contributing to your low mood.

5. Journal

Equal to a walk on the basic self-care chart, journaling is one of the most popular, fundamental wellness practices around. Hold the collective eye roll though, there’s some science to back up this poster child for self-improvement. Negative thoughts and feelings can take up space inside us and grow more and more harmful if we don’t address them. Journaling is a helpful way to process these feelings and make sense of them. When we get everything down on paper we can unpack thought patterns and interrupt those that don’t serve us. Just try it, and don’t stop writing until you feel lighter – it will happen, I promise.

6. Get creative

Expressing your creativity is another mood-boosting hack that is worth the hype. There is a wonderful sense of accomplishment that comes with channelling our brain energy into something creative like painting, drawing, writing or cooking. When you can truly get into ‘the zone’ and focus your attention on a task or activity that you enjoy, beyond your day-to-day work or study, you can feel a sense of relaxation and even euphoria. This allows us to be more mindful.

7. Sleep

It sounds simple, but getting enough sleep, and good quality sleep, is foundational to your mental and physical health. Your brain works hard, so it needs as much rest as it can get. If you’re feeling low and sleep is an area of concern for you, this should be the first thing you address. Make sure you’re getting a solid 7-8 hours, limit bright lights and screens at night, keep your bedroom cool, and try some sleep meditation. You might find that improving your sleep makes a huge difference in the way you feel during the day.

8. Cook a nice meal

When you have long, busy days, the last thing you probably want to do is get home and make a complicated meal. A microwave meal or uber eats may feel like the better option at the time, but it just can’t beat a home-cooked dinner. Instead of looking at cooking as a chore, think of it as a wind-down activity at the end of a long day. Even just one or two nights a week, see if you can make yourself a nice home-cooked meal. Put a candle on, listen to a podcast or music, or even pour yourself a glass of wine if you’d like! Romanticising mundane tasks can turn them into a positive, mindful act of self-care. Like other creative activities, you might find you get into a flow state and feel accomplished and relaxed by the end.


9. Treat yourself

The health and wellness grind can be as mentally draining as the daily 9-5 if you put too much pressure on it. Journaling, going on walks, and getting in your full 8 hrs a night are all important, but remember to go easy on yourself and not let these self-care activities become a chore. Treating yourself every once in a while is just as helpful for boosting your mood. Buy yourself that top you’ve been eyeing, get a treat from the nearby cafe, and give yourself time to veg out and binge Netflix if that makes you happy. Life’s all about balance, too much sugar and lying around isn’t good for you, but neither is being ‘healthy’ and productive 100% of the time – you can have too much of a good thing, so take it easy.

If you’re in a slump and going through the motions and it’s getting you down, I challenge you to pick one or a few of these tips and try them out for your week ahead. See how you feel when you incorporate more positive activities into your life, and find what’s right for you to feel just a little bit happier each day.

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